Thursday 28 June 2007


Last night I went to out to see the new Michael Bay film, "Transformers".
However before hand we decided to go out and have dinner. I was looking forward to a nice meal, not cooked by me, but...
We went to Bene venuti's, a little italian restaurant. I ordered the Spaghetti Neapolitana. It tasted to me like a tinned know the stuff, it was just that the tomatoes were a little bit thicker.
I couldn't eat it, probably just a third of the was so annoying. Anyway, the desert menu looked alright. looking through, I went for my fav on the menu, Creme Brulee.
When it arrived, they said that they had run out of ice cream, so it was just a little creme brulee dish on a big plate...I went for the ultimate creme brulee luxury, the cracking of the surface...nothing...disappointment...then the first bite brought even more was not even set!!!!!

But the movie made up for it all!!!!

Was great, stuck to orignal characters plots and all, very well done, PLEASE NO SEQUAL!!!!!

Wednesday 20 June 2007

Paper towel vs Electric dryer?

I have often thought about this topic when visiting public toilets (seem to have been to a few over the last few months of travelling).
Having completed the tasks, I go and wash my hands, then then a difficult decision needs to be made, Do I use the paper towel, or the electric dryer? Both sides have arguements for and against, but it is some of the other matters that catch me on this.

So is it better use use paper towel made from trees, or electricity that is made from digging up and cutting down?
I asked a Greens friend of mine this question, and I was perplexed when his response was "I've never thought about it" I thought that they would have a standing order on something like this (mind you a couple of elections ago the greens at my electorate were the only ones to have non-recycled glossy paper how to vote cards)

Which is more hygenie efficient? Personally I would prefer to use the electric, especially if I didn't have to touch anything else in the toilet. But paper towel is useful to use to turn the taps on and off...

So many choices to make...anyone have anythoughts?

Monday 11 June 2007

We are powered again!

We have just had the power come back on again...right as I was about to drift off to sleep. Typical.

It has been over 70 hours with out power which has been fun. We have lots of candles, a bbq, and friends with power and a shower (thanks Bake).

The hassles now come when we have to throw out the contents of the fridge, luckily the freezer is great, and the stuff inside is still frozen (well was yesterday morning).

I am a fan of power outages, they can give you a great reawakening of yourself. You can drop all thr crap that takes focus in life (tv/computer/light) and give you time o just enjoy the nothingness that often engulfs powerless nights.

It has been funny laying in bed here silence, seeing nohing but the sky, and having that broken often by the sounds of a chainsaw. the contrast is so markable.

Real life must go on, but I am thabkful to God for those moments where I am able to stop and gather my thoughts (and His) and begin to move forward again.

Saturday 9 June 2007

The Rains

Tall is safe and well dispight all the rain, winds and beach bound tanker.

Lots of crazy stuff going on. I had an ok nights sleep last night, lost of wind, branches flying off trees and such. Had three people stay at my house last night on the loungeroom floor.

There is lots of water around the place, and tree branches everywhere.

On my street we have no power, and likey to have none until monday or so. There was a tree over laying over the road a little down the street from my house. It was being kept up from the ground by power cables. Apparently there are many incidences of this on my street alone.

Sarah was at Chloe's house in Hamilton (in Newcastle) yesterday afternoon, and by 9 pm they had to evacuate from the house, as water was about to come into the remaining part of the house. They waded through the water to reach a safer place to rest. (Cars were filled with water, almost covering some cars).

Plenty of houses have been effected, some drastically, and other only in parts.

I haven't been to see our latest landmark, the tanker lodged on Nobbys beach. I am sure it will be around long enough for me to get there to have a look. There have been plenty of warnings to stay at home as much as possible, and predictions of hard winds and rain again tonight.

Monday 4 June 2007

Weekend Ball Games

Our soccer team has had some issues the last few weeks, and I have come home not only sore, but annoyed and frustrated at lots of things (mostly at the way I handled things). But this week saw some things turn around a little.

Firstly we had a few players away, which meant we were going to start on the back foot. Luckily we had some of the second team back-up and help us out with numbers. Secondly we had a different referee, which helped all our guys sigh a big sigh of relief. Thirdly, we were on our game, against a nice group of guys.

I ran hard for most of the game, towards half time I was totally trashed, so much so that I had to lay on the turf a few times leading into the half time orange break (we don't get oranges though :( )

We played well through the second half, Crowy scored a pearler from just in half way, and, while we wavered a little, we held strong to keep them out for the rest of the game.

I won man of the match. Which brings me to my point:
I played hard, but don't really feel that I played much better than usual, but in the eyes of others I did. Perhaps that just means that my fitness levels are increasing, which then in turn means that I can perform at maximum skill levels for a longer period. Or maybe I am kidding myself, and I did play awesomely, or maybe everyone else was blinded to my stuff ups this week.

What ever the case was, I am still sore, still struggling to catch my breathe, and a little werey of what this next weeks game will be like.