Wednesday 20 June 2007

Paper towel vs Electric dryer?

I have often thought about this topic when visiting public toilets (seem to have been to a few over the last few months of travelling).
Having completed the tasks, I go and wash my hands, then then a difficult decision needs to be made, Do I use the paper towel, or the electric dryer? Both sides have arguements for and against, but it is some of the other matters that catch me on this.

So is it better use use paper towel made from trees, or electricity that is made from digging up and cutting down?
I asked a Greens friend of mine this question, and I was perplexed when his response was "I've never thought about it" I thought that they would have a standing order on something like this (mind you a couple of elections ago the greens at my electorate were the only ones to have non-recycled glossy paper how to vote cards)

Which is more hygenie efficient? Personally I would prefer to use the electric, especially if I didn't have to touch anything else in the toilet. But paper towel is useful to use to turn the taps on and off...

So many choices to make...anyone have anythoughts?


weeksi said...

well i always go for the paper towel if possible. you don't have to touch anything else and can use it to pull the door open (why don't they have push doors???) or turn the tap off or whatever.
when the only option is the dryer, i usually use my shorts/pants/jumper to dry my hands. failing that i shake them dry. i hate wasting time standing there, waiting for them to dry under the stupid dryer.
the paper towel is most prob recycled these days anyway, so i reckon there's no argument for the dryer! :)

Tallman said...

I have recently wondered about the doors...they do always open inward...silly

Anonymous said...

Paper towel feels like it's wasteful, but it is the most hygienic - blowing hot air onto your hands doesn't remove any bacteria or dirt or whatever you've got on your hands.
I like the fabric towel that you pull through to get the clean bits, but always seem to have run out... like the concept though.
And the electric dryers at school were always nice on a cold day.
But all in all I vote paper towels for hygiene.

weeksi said...

plus if you happened to wash your face (cause you were sweaty from intense shopping or had just ridden to the restaurant), paper towels mean you can also wipe it and not use yer sleeves...