Thursday 28 June 2007


Last night I went to out to see the new Michael Bay film, "Transformers".
However before hand we decided to go out and have dinner. I was looking forward to a nice meal, not cooked by me, but...
We went to Bene venuti's, a little italian restaurant. I ordered the Spaghetti Neapolitana. It tasted to me like a tinned know the stuff, it was just that the tomatoes were a little bit thicker.
I couldn't eat it, probably just a third of the was so annoying. Anyway, the desert menu looked alright. looking through, I went for my fav on the menu, Creme Brulee.
When it arrived, they said that they had run out of ice cream, so it was just a little creme brulee dish on a big plate...I went for the ultimate creme brulee luxury, the cracking of the surface...nothing...disappointment...then the first bite brought even more was not even set!!!!!

But the movie made up for it all!!!!

Was great, stuck to orignal characters plots and all, very well done, PLEASE NO SEQUAL!!!!!

1 comment:

weeksi said...

yeah i usually only ever get pasta these days if 1) i'm carbo loading for a race/big ride/hike/climb... or 2) if they have something i wouldn't have at home like seafood pasta...